jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Support me... to stop clientelism

Working in a social projects necessarily leads to working in a network of NGOs, grass-root organizations, lots of people with needs and, of course, hope. But it means as well to deal with one of the most misused words in that professional circle: support.

Supporting is definitively a good thing: I support someone who needs help, I support people who suffered a negative thing and need to recover, I support somebody close to me who aims to achieve something and need friends, anyway, supporting people is necessary and proves a colective approach of things with win-win decisions. But, what happens when an institution/organization asks for "support" in order to get a sponsorship? What does it mean when a bounch of young people with terciary education and able to work by themselves ask for "support" in order to pay their prom party? And a teacher asking for "support" in order to install recreational games? What happens when we want to empower people within the poverty line and we get used to "support" them through breaks, local transport, dishware, etc?

There is a limit for everything. We need to use the words in the right place and moment. Otherwise, a social project may start promoting clientelism without having planned so.

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